New USA Hockey Neck Protection Rule is now effective -38 days | Be Ready With TILO
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Word from the Warroad Team

When unthinkable tragedies like the one that ended Adam Johnson’s life occur, it tends to shift long standing beliefs about how players should protect themselves. Many leagues worldwide are making swift moves to mandate skate-cut protection for the upcoming season.

Since the foundation of Warroad Hockey Co. in 2018, it’s been our mission to provide the best skate-cut protective equipment to as many players as we can. 

In this era of heightened demand for skate-cut protection, we are taking measures to restock as quickly as possible. However, as we attempt to speed up the restock process, the one thing we absolutely refuse to do is compromise on quality.

The materials we use in our base layers are the highest-rated in the industry. Given their importance, we always prioritize quality over everything else, including speed of production.

That said, we are doing everything we can to speed up fulfillment, including free expedited shipping on all pre-orders.

We appreciate your trust and support of our mission as our game evolves to prioritize skate-cut protection. Nothing is more important to us than helping more players enjoy our game safely.

When unthinkable tragedies like the one that ended Adam Johnson’s life occur, it tends to shift long standing beliefs about how players should protect themselves. Many leagues worldwide are making swift moves to mandate skate-cut protection for the upcoming season.

Since the foundation of Warroad Hockey Co. in 2018, it’s been our mission to provide the best skate-cut protective equipment to as many players as we can. 

In this era of heightened demand for skate-cut protection, we are taking measures to restock as quickly as possible. However, as we attempt to speed up the restock process, the one thing we absolutely refuse to do is compromise on quality.

The materials we use in our base layers are the highest-rated in the industry. Given their importance, we always prioritize quality over everything else, including speed of production.

That said, we are doing everything we can to speed up fulfillment, including free expedited shipping on all pre-orders.

We appreciate your trust and support of our mission as our game evolves to prioritize skate-cut protection. Nothing is more important to us than helping more players enjoy our game safely.

Warroad Minnesota brought out my true love for the game of hockey. With the daily access to ice, the competitiveness the players brought out in each other, and the passion for the game -TJ Oshie

Warroad Minnesota brought out my true love for the game of hockey. With the daily access to ice, the competitiveness the players brought out in each other, and the passion for the game -TJ Oshie


Products that provide “cut resistance” and “cut protection” do not completely prevent or eliminate the potential for cuts or punctures, and are not intended or tested to provide protection against powered blades, serrated or other sharp or rotating equipment. Any information or data provided is based upon Warroad’s current knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, and is offered solely as a possible suggestion for use in making your own decisions or product choices.TILO™ by Warroad products are highly cut-resistant. Our products are not 100% cut-proof. Nothing is 100% cut-proof under all conditions.While the TILO™ collection does provide the best protection available, wear our products with caution. While they do provide extreme resistance to cuts, objects could penetrate them at any given time or in any situation.

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